School Learning Plan
The Why?
- Based on what we are noticing with our learners, the goals are identified as important to our VCE community
- From our data collection, we noticed significant deficits in the area of literacy
- We believe you need to be a critical thinker to interpret, comprehend, infer, connect and compare in literacy (reading, writing, orally)
- We also believe to understand 'self' and our place within our community and world, students need to become critical thinkers
- The staff want students to be able to ask meaningful questions, make decisions, and explain themselves in order to show their thinking and learning, specifically in the area of literacy
- We want students to also be able to represent themselves as confident thinkers across all areas
- We believe that if students have a sense of belonging and feel connected to the school community (staff & peers) they will be more open to learning
- Our goals are in alignment with our District Education Plan; competencies and enhancement agreement, as well as the new curriculum
- We collect and review the data –OurSchool Survey, Student Learning Survey, FSAs, SWW, Reading assessments, EDI, MDI, ELP, School Critical thinking rubric/check in, and other surveys(school created)
- We use the class mapping process and collect data on each student in our school to look for patterns, trends and vulnerabilities
- Staff observations and anecdotal reflections of students, student surveys, student feedback
- We have a SIP committee that meets throughout the year
- Parent meetings & meeting with our students to discuss & gather input
Through the 'think critically' lens:
- Using our critically thinking rubric with a focus on literacy -check-ins
- Critically thinking connections in a variety of subject areas (math, literacy, PBL)
- Specific activities to engage in critical thinking skills
- Increasing data collection around critical thinking (looking for specific correlations)
Through the 'contribute' lens:
- Operation care
- Community connections through: circle process, student-led activities (leadership), outdoor classroom, creating safe spaces/breaks
- VCE Wellness Plan
- Trauma-sensitive classroom/school strategies
- Gratitude Board
- Kindness Project (2019/20)
- Counsellor in classrooms -main approach to wrap around more students
Through the 'collaborate' lens:
- School-wide activities such as community boards (right now we have a gratitude board up), inquiries, common language
- Making learning visible -displays with learning intentions and descriptions, newsletter/website
- Variety of classes working through Adrienne Gear -Powerful Understandings to connect to self, others, world
- CMOS -in most vulnerable classrooms
Through the 'create and innovate' lens:
- Creating 'My Action Plan'
- Authentic projects to engage our learners
- Exhibitions of learning
- Virtual assemblies
- Evidence of learning through digital platforms (Seesaw, Google)
Through the 'learn & assessment' lens:
- Thorough class mapping data collection
- Staff meeting time specifically to review data, check-in on what is working, what needs to be tweaked and next steps around our goals
- Ongoing formative assessments
- Ongoing reflection and conversation around what the data is telling us
- Primary & intermediate discussions around best practice, assessment, common language
- Literacy interventions: action plans for next steps, Daily 5 structures and strategies, Cafe goals, targeted 'boost' bins for specific goals, increasing our books of interest in each class, technology -google read & write, words their way/word work practice, ongoing assessments to inform next steps, home reading
- Inclusive model of supports
- Option 1 reporting practices
- Center-based approach
- Voice and choice
We have a very thorough class mapping and data collection process. We start with each class, then create a snapshot of the whole school to begin creating interventions accordingly. We create action plans based on this information, including at our SBT meetings and our monthly staff meetings.
How are we tracking data over time to follow specific cohorts of students and/or trends in information?
Currently, we are using the EDI and ELP, along with school-based data collection of reading, writing and a new numeracy pilot assessment to track early learning cohorts. We use Our School Survey, the Student Learning Survey, FSAs and school-based data collection of reading, writing and a new numeracy pilot assessment to track intermediate cohorts.
School-wide we use a school-based connection survey and critical thinking assessments.
We will include MDI assessments for intermediates again once we administer (the cohort that completed last has moved on from our school).
We are now tracking more often to create proactive intervention plans.
Desired Results
- to identify and apply their critical thinking skills to explain their learning
- identify adults & peers that contribute to a safe and connected school community
- use their digital portfolios (My Action Plan) to reflect on who they are as an individual, where they fit in our school community and the world as a contributing citizen,
- identify what they need to be successful in their learning and social interactions
- understand their strengths and stretches in literacy and create next steps for success
- use planned strategies and interventions to target specific literacy skills of concern
- incorporate opportunities for students to practice their critical thinking skills throughout the day
- differentiate the learning to meet the needs of each individual students
- use trauma-sensitive strategies to continue to create a safe and connected school environment
- collaborate with each other to support authentic learning opportunities for our students
- incorporate the 4 blankets and Aboriginal ways of knowing and being into their classrooms to support our learners
- continue to inform our school goals through ongoing formative assessments and tracking of students
- Evidence of student learning is visible through their actions, documented work and the ability to speak to the skills of critical thinking
- Evidence that students feel connected to adults, peers and our school by their words and their actions
- Evidence from our data collection will show an increased understanding of critical thinking skills, reflect a sense of belonging and connectedness, and improvements in literacy skills
- As current data is collected it will be shared and compared at staff & committee meetings. We will continue to collect classroom and school-wide data and compare to district and provincial data. We will use data from writing, reading, math assessments, district/provincial assessments/surveys, including our school specific surveys. We will also collect anecdotal evidence of our goals in action.
We will use data collected for:
Critical thinking -school-wide critical thinking rubric, FSA cognitive 3 questions results, numeracy pilot data, Our school survey (specific questions), Student Learning Survey (specific questions), and anecdotal evidence
School Wellness -VCE connection survey, EDI, MDI (when available), MAP -self reflections, Student Learning Survey, Our School Survey, and anecdotal evidence
Literacy & Numeracy -SWW, reading & numeracy assessments, FSAs, ELP, Student Learning Survey
What information are teachers using to inform their instruction?
- Current classroom data in addition to last year's data (EDI, ELP, FSA, SWW, ELL assessments, Class mapping, PM benchmarks, Jerry Johns, anecdotal)
- Trauma-Sensitive Practices
- Neuroscience
- Research-based reading Interventions
- Circle
- Mindful strategies
- Student voice & choice (ex. Daily 5, personalized learning)
- Calming spaces & breaks
- Literacy boost bins
- CMOS interventions, co-teaching
- In-class ELL interventions
- Centered-based approaches
- Hands-on learning
- Play-based
- Place-based
- Operation Care
- Assemblies (virtual)
- Student leadership
- Collaboration amongst teachers
- EA supports (meaningful and supportive supports of our goals)
- Inquiry
- Room readiness and student-centered classrooms
New Strategies & Structures
- LST team based approach has expanded to include CMOS & ELL when planning any interventions
- Library -learning space for inquiry, PBL, technology, research and MAP support
- Powerful Understanding by Adrienne Gear -connects the 4 blankets and literacy
- The Ripple Effect of Resilience by Monqiue Gray Smith -connects the 4 blankets to our learning goals
- VCE Wellness Plan
- In-class counselor supports (more often)
- Common proficiency scale across all data collected (emerging, developing, proficient, extending)
- Ongoing check-ins with LST team, teacher teams
- Dedicated time to reflect on what is going well, needs and next steps (staff meetings)
- Counselor check-ins
- Class mapping
- SBT meetings
- Formative assessments ongoing
- Ongoing professional learning at staff meetings
- Relevant articles/books
- Ongoing conversation around trauma-sensitive strategies
- Deeper dive into how to incorporate the 4 blankets into our teaching and learning
- ILT supports & workshops
- CSL -unpacking rich and informative evidence of learning
- Opportunities for collaboration time
- Going deeper with authentic projects (time to plan)
- Opportunities for book clubs/talks
- Support professional development that is relevant to our specific goals
- Training for staff in areas they would like more support in
- Resources to support our school goals
- Ongoing upgrades to our physical environment
- Continual updates to our class mapping information
- SBT meetings to address and new or existing concerns
- Centered-based approaches & small group interventions
- OT, PT, Speech & Language Pathologist
- EA supports, Indigenous Support Worker
- Review of IEPs, safety plans
- Counselling supports
- ELL & LST teams -specific interventions
- ILT & IST supports when needs arise or new learning is needed
- New this year we have 1.0 CMOS teacher based on the complexities in our school -we have identified the most complex classes and our CMOS teacher works closely with each teacher to create a supportive and inclusive classroom
- Through our class mapping & SBT meetings, our CMOS teachers has planned in detail with the classroom teachers to work on specific skills in a co-teaching model
- Our CMOS teacher also works closely with our LST team to makes sure we are all up to date with any needs arising in the school
- We will continue to provide time for teachers to work closely with CMOS to support our learners
- Ongoing formative assessments
- Collaboration with LST team (including ELL & CMOS)
- Ongoing tracking of vulnerable learners (class mapping)
- LIF time to work with EAs on proactive support
- Students are feeling connected to supervisors, teachers, and friends
- Enjoy having a leadership team and that they get to provide input and ideas to our school
- Like when they feel heard and listened to
- Clubs & sports
- Whole school art projects
- Extra activities outside
- Zoom buddies
- Importance of good fit books
- Need quiet in class during reading and writing
- Short story project -whole school
- Help younger students with reading during 'zoom' buddies
- Appreciate when a teacher sits beside me to help
- Doesn't like when called on when don't know -feels uncomfortable
- Engage in critical thinking during projects, math activities
- Problem solving on the playground
- Older students teacher younger students how to problem solve on the playground
- More projects