School Safety Plans
Our school has an Emergency Preparedness Plan which we continually review to help ensure the safety and well being of your child and our staff in the event of an emergency. This plan includes procedures relating to earthquake, fire, hazardous materials accidents/spills, threats to the school, violent incidents, severe weather, landslides, and travel to/from school.
Being prepared to respond to an emergency includes having the right equipment at school and conducting emergency drills. Drills at school include fire drills, earthquake drills, wildlife drills, hold and secure and lockdown drills. We schedule our drills throughout the school year and prepare our students in advance to help ensure a calm, understanding emergency response.
Student Release: In the event of an emergency requiring the closure of the school during instructional time, the following procedures are followed:
- Students may only leave the premises with a parent/guardian or an adult who is listed as an emergency contact on the Student Information Verification form
- School staff shall direct a safe and orderly student release procedure
- Parents/guardians or emergency contacts shall::
- report to the designated "student release" area
- provide photo identification (driver's license)
- be willing to sign a release document
- understand that direct access to children from their classroom or other waiting area is not permitted
- Keep calm to help all children feel secure
- Do not call the school, as telephone lines must remain open for emergency calls.
- Contact your emergency contact(s) directly if you are unable to pick up your child(ren)
Emergency instructions/communication regarding the status of students at district schools will be broadcast where possible on the school or district websites, on the school's twitter feed, and local radio stations.
Please ensure that the school office has your current emergency contacts on file. You may contact our school office to change/add your emergency contacts at any time. It is further recommended that one of your emergency contacts be someone who is within walking distance of the school as access to the school premises may be limited to emergency vehicles only.
You are encouraged to discuss this information with your children. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Shaun Jakob